PubAVDApp Class




Published AVD Application (Experimental)





Type Name Description
String AdminCreate Inherited from RASListObj
String AdminLastMod Inherited from RASListObj
List<String> AllowedClients Inherited from PubItem
List<String> AllowedGateways Inherited from PubItem
List<IP4Range> AllowedIP4s Inherited from PubItem
List<IP6Range> AllowedIP6s Inherited from PubItem
List<String> AllowedMACs Inherited from PubItem
AllowedOperatingSystems AllowedOSes Inherited from PubItem
List<UserFilter> AllowedUsers Inherited from PubItem
UInt32 AVDHostPoolID The AVD Host Pool ID.
Boolean ClientFilterEnabled Inherited from PubItem
ColorDepth ColorDepth Depth of color: 0=Colors8Bit, 1=colors15Bit, 2=colors16Bit, 3=colors24Bit, 4=colors32Bit, 5=clientSpecified.
UInt32 ConCurrentLicenses Number of concurrent licenses.
Boolean CreateShortcutInStartFolder
Boolean CreateShortcutInStartUpFolder
Boolean CreateShortcutOnDesktop
String Description Inherited from PubItem
Boolean DisableSessionSharing Whether to disable session sharing or not.
Boolean Enabled Inherited from PubItem
PubResourceEnabledMode EnabledMode Inherited from PubItem
Boolean EnableFileExtensions Whether file extensions option is enabled or not.
Boolean ExcludePrelaunch
List<PubFileExtSettings> FileExtensions Lists extension settings for published applications.
PubItemFilter Filter Inherited from PubItem
Boolean GatewayFilterEnabled Inherited from PubItem
UInt32 Id
Boolean InheritDisplayDefaultSettings Whether the 'Inherit default license settings' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean InheritLicenseDefaultSettings Whether to inherit license default settings or not.
Boolean InheritMaintenance Inherited from PubItem
Boolean InheritShortcutDefaultSettings
Boolean IPFilterEnabled Inherited from PubItem
LimitNotify LicenseLimitNotify Style of notification about the license limit: 0=warnUserAndNoStart, 1=warnUserAndStart, 2=notifyAdminAndStart, 3=notifyUserAdminAndStart, 4=notifyUserAdminAndNoStart.
Boolean MACFilterEnabled Inherited from PubItem
MaintenanceMessages MaintenanceMessages Inherited from PubItem
String Name Inherited from PubItem
Boolean OneInstancePerUser Whether the option for one instance per user is enabled or not.
Boolean OSFilterEnabled Inherited from PubItem
String Package
String PackagedApp
String Parameters
UInt32 ParentId Inherited from PubItem
List<PubPreferredRoute> PreferredRoutes Inherited from PubItem
Boolean PreferredRoutingEnabled Inherited from PubItem
UInt32 PreviousId Inherited from PubItem
List<UInt32> PublishToSite Inherited from PubItem
Boolean ReplicateDisplaySettings Whether the 'Replicate Display Settings' is enabled or not.
Boolean ReplicateFileExtensionSettings Whether to replicate file extension settings or not.
Boolean ReplicateLicenseSettings Whether to replicate license settings or not.
Boolean ReplicateMaintenance Inherited from PubItem
Boolean ReplicateShortcutSettings
Boolean StartFullscreen Whether the application will start as fullscreen for WYSE ThinOS clients or not.
String StartIn
Boolean StartMaximized Whether the application will start as maximized or not.
Boolean StartOnLogon
String StartPath
String Target
DateTime TimeCreate Inherited from RASListObj
DateTime TimeLastMod Inherited from RASListObj
RASPubObject Type Inherited from PubItem
Boolean UserFilterEnabled Inherited from PubItem
Boolean WaitForPrinters Whether the application will wait for the printers or not.
UInt32 WaitForPrintersTimeout Timeout for waiting of the application for the printers.
WindowType WinType


Type Name Description
Int32 CompareTo (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Boolean Equals (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Int32 GetHashCode () Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Type GetType ()
Boolean ShouldSerializeHDIconId () Inherited from PubItem
Boolean ShouldSerializeIconId () Inherited from PubItem
String ToString ()

References to Commands